"""Ensure that the pyproject and module metadata never drift out of sync The next best thing to having one source of truth is having a way to ensure all of your sources of truth agree with each other. """ from pathlib import Path import toml import glassy def test_metadata(): """Test that module metadata matches pyproject poetry metadata""" with (Path(__file__).resolve().parent / ".." / "pyproject.toml").open() as infile: pyproject = toml.load(infile, _dict=dict) assert pyproject["tool"]["poetry"]["name"] == glassy.__title__ assert pyproject["tool"]["poetry"]["version"] == glassy.__version__ assert pyproject["tool"]["poetry"]["license"] == glassy.__license__ assert pyproject["tool"]["poetry"]["description"] == glassy.__summary__ assert pyproject["tool"]["poetry"]["repository"] == glassy.__url__ assert ( all( item in glassy.__authors__ for item in pyproject["tool"]["poetry"]["authors"] ) is True ) assert ( all( item in pyproject["tool"]["poetry"]["authors"] for item in glassy.__authors__ ) is True )