[tox] envlist = py36, py37, py38, py39, static, static-tests, security isolated_build = true skip_missing_interpreters = true [testenv] description = Run the tests require_locked_deps = true require_poetry = true locked_deps = pytest pytest-cov toml commands = pytest --cov {toxinidir}/genly --cov-config {toxinidir}/.coveragerc --cov-report term-missing {toxinidir}/tests/ [testenv:static] description = Static formatting and quality enforcement basepython = python3.8 platform = linux ignore_errors = true locked_deps = black blacken-docs mdformat mdformat-gfm mypy reorder-python-imports pre-commit pre-commit-hooks pylint commands = pre-commit run --all-files pylint --rcfile {toxinidir}/.pylintrc {toxinidir}/genly/ mypy --ignore-missing-imports --no-strict-optional {toxinidir}/genly/ [testenv:static-tests] description = Static formatting and quality enforcement for the tests basepython = python3.8 platform = linux ignore_errors = true locked_deps = pylint pytest mypy commands = pylint --rcfile {toxinidir}/.pylintrc {toxinidir}/tests/ mypy --ignore-missing-imports --no-strict-optional {toxinidir}/tests/ [testenv:security] description = Security checks basepython = python3.8 platform = linux ignore_errors = true locked_deps = bandit safety poetry commands = bandit --recursive --quiet {toxinidir}/genly/ bandit --recursive --quiet --skip B101 {toxinidir}/tests/ poetry export --format requirements.txt --output {envtmpdir}/requirements.txt --without-hashes --dev safety check --bare --file {envtmpdir}/requirements.txt