ENPaulNet Minecraft

Minecraft is an awesome world building game based on the principle that everything is really just cubes if you squint hard enough. You can learn more about it on the Minecraft Website or at the Official Minecraft Wiki.

The Minecraft Server

The ENPaulNet runs a Forge Minecraft Server:


For connection instructions see the Security section.
Information on the mods available on the server is in the Mods section.

Forge Server Mods

Treecapitator   -    Aquaculture   -    Animals Plus   -    Better Storage   -    Biomes 'O Plenty   -    BuildCraft   -    Carpenters Blocks   -    Code Chicken Core   -    CoFH Core   -    Compact Solars   -    Craft Heraldry   -    Ender Storage   -    Extra TiC   -    Extra Utilities   -    Industrial Craft   -    Journey Map   -    Lunatrius Core   -    Mantle   -    Metallurgy   -    Metallurgy Core   -    Not Enough Items   -    Power Converters 3   -    Project Red Base   -    Project Red Compatibility   -    Project Red Fabrication   -    Project Red Integration   -    Project Red Lighting   -    Project Red World   -    Railcraft   -    Schematica   -    T Construct   -    Thermal Dynamics   -    Thermal Expansion   -    Thermal Foundation   -    T Mechworks   -    WAILA

You can download the official Mod List [2KB]
Or the guarenteed compatible Mod Pack [43MB]

In addition to the above list, the server also has support for JourneyMap, which is included in the mod pack

Connections and Security

We want the ENPaulNet Mincraft Server to remain a fun enviroment for all players

In order to connect to the server, we recommend running MultiMC in order to easily add, subtract, and use mods with different servers. Through MultiMC you will need an instance using Minecraft 1.7.10 and the mods contained in the Mod Pack.

For security and to protect against griefers the server uses an allow-by-exception security policy; without being whitelisted your connection will be refused. To request server access please email ethannpaul@gmail.com
Information on the mods available on the server is in the Mods section.

There is currently no support for unauthenticated users on the ENPaulNet Minecraft Server