
I use my homelab to provide a number of services for personal entertainment, reference, security, and productivity.
To learn more about the lab as a whole, please read the docs.

Version Control

Personal version control system (VCS)grants complete control of writing and programming projects.
Powered by Gitea

Content Delivery Network

A small number of files, always available.
Powered by DigitalOcean

Plex Media Server

Plex is a media management platform for sharing my movie, TV, and music collections with friends.
Powered by Plex

Secure Secret Vault

Secure encrypted storage for passwords, financial records, and other notes.
Powered by Bitwarden


"No documentation is better than wrong documentation", but accurate documentation is the best option.
Powered by MkDocs

Service Status

Having trouble accessing a network service? Soon you'll be able to check my network's status online and let me know if there are problems!