import argparse import datetime import hashlib import shutil import sys import uuid from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from typing import Any from typing import Dict from typing import List from typing import NamedTuple from typing import Optional from typing import Sequence from typing import Tuple from typing import Union import jinja2 import jsmin import marshmallow as msh import minify_html import ruamel.yaml yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ="safe") def multi_replace(source: str, replacements: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]) -> str: for old, new in replacements: replaced = source.replace(old, new) return replaced class PathField(msh.fields.String): def _deserialize(self, value, *args, **kwargs): return Path(value).expanduser().resolve() class BaseSchema(msh.Schema): @msh.post_load def _make_dataclass(self, data: Dict[str, Any], *args, **kwargs): return self.Container(**data) class MediaSerializer(BaseSchema): @dataclass class Container: title: str link: str anchor: str content: Optional[str] def preload_url(self, config) -> str: if return f"{}image/{}/{}.jpeg" return def asset_url(self, config) -> str: if return f"{}image/{}/{}.jpeg" return def source_url(self, config) -> str: if return f"{}image/{}/original" return title = msh.fields.String() link = msh.fields.String() anchor = msh.fields.String(allow_none=True, missing=None) content = msh.fields.String(allow_none=True, missing=None) @msh.post_load def _make_default_anchor(self, data, **kwargs): if not data.anchor: data.anchor = multi_replace( data.title, [(" ", "-"), ("?", ""), ("!", ""), (".", ""), (":", "")] ) return data class LinkSerializer(BaseSchema): @dataclass class Container: title: Optional[str] url: str icon: str url = msh.fields.URL() title = msh.fields.String(allow_none=True, missing=None) icon = msh.fields.String(missing="fas fa-external-link-square-alt") class LocationSeralizer(BaseSchema): class Container(NamedTuple): title: str link: str title = msh.fields.String() link = msh.fields.URL() class PostSerializer(BaseSchema): @dataclass class Container: title: str description: Optional[str] location: LocationSeralizer.Container date: banner: Optional[str] slug: str links: Sequence[LinkSerializer.Container] media: Sequence[MediaSerializer.Container] def banner_url(self, config) -> str: if return f"{}image/{self.banner}/{}.jpeg" return self.banner title = msh.fields.String() description = msh.fields.String(missing=None, allow_none=True) location = msh.fields.Nested(LocationSeralizer) date = msh.fields.Raw() banner = msh.fields.String(missing=None, allow_none=True) slug = msh.fields.String( validate=msh.validate.Regexp(r"^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]+[a-z0-9]$") ) links = msh.fields.List(msh.fields.Nested(LinkSerializer), missing=list()) media = msh.fields.List(msh.fields.Nested(MediaSerializer), missing=list()) @msh.validates_schema def _unique_anchors(self, data: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs): anchors = [item.anchor for item in data["media"] if item.anchor is not None] if len(anchors) != len(set(anchors)): raise msh.ValidationError( f"Media anchors used multiple times: {set([item for item in anchors if anchors.count(item) > 1])}" ) class ConfigBuildKodakSerializer(BaseSchema): @dataclass class Container: baseurl: str link_original: bool asset: str banner: str preload: str baseurl = msh.fields.URL() link_original = msh.fields.Boolean(missing=False) asset = msh.fields.String() banner = msh.fields.String() preload = msh.fields.String() class ConfigBuildSerializer(BaseSchema): @dataclass class Container: generated: Path posts: Path static: Path bundle: Path templates: Path post_base: str kodak: ConfigBuildKodakSerializer.Container generated = PathField(missing=Path("publish")) posts = PathField(missing=Path("posts")) static = PathField(missing=Path("static")) bundle = PathField(missing=Path("bundle")) templates = PathField(missing=Path("templates")) post_base = msh.fields.String( missing="explore", validate=msh.validate.Regexp(r"[a-z0-9\-]+") ) kodak = msh.fields.Nested(ConfigBuildKodakSerializer, missing=None) class ConfigSerializer(BaseSchema): @dataclass class Container: domain: str https: bool baseurl: str title: str email: str description: str keywords: Sequence[str] social: Dict[str, str] build: ConfigBuildSerializer.Container @property def url(self) -> str: return f"http{'s' if self.https else ''}://{self.domain}{self.baseurl}" domain = msh.fields.String() https = msh.fields.Boolean(missing=True) baseurl = msh.fields.String() title = msh.fields.String() email = msh.fields.Email() description = msh.fields.String() keywords = msh.fields.List( msh.fields.String(validate=msh.validate.Regexp(r"^[a-z0-9]+$")) ) social = msh.fields.Dict( keys=msh.fields.String( validate=msh.validate.OneOf( ["instagram", "facebook", "twitter", "mastodon", "patreon"] ) ), values=msh.fields.Url(), missing=dict(), ) build = msh.fields.Nested(ConfigBuildSerializer) def get_args() -> argparse.Namespace: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-c", "--config", help="Path to the config file", default=(Path.cwd() / "config.yaml"), ) parser.add_argument( "--check", action="store_true", help="Check the config without building" ) parser.add_argument( "--dev", action="store_true", help="Run local development server", ) return parser.parse_args() def _hash_from_file(path: Union[str, Path]): """Construct from a file path, generating the hash of the file .. note:: This method attempts to _efficiently_ compute a hash of large image files. The hashing code was adapted from here: """ hasher = hashlib.sha256() view = memoryview(bytearray(1024 * 1024)) with Path(path).open("rb", buffering=0) as infile: for chunk in iter(lambda: infile.readinto(view), 0): # type: ignore hasher.update(view[:chunk]) return hasher def _copy_resource(path: Path, dest_dir: Path): if path.is_file(): dest_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) shutil.copyfile(path, dest_dir /, follow_symlinks=True) elif path.is_dir(): for item in path.iterdir(): _copy_resource(item, dest_dir / def _write_template(env: jinja2.Environment, name: str, dest: Path, **kwargs): dest.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True) template = env.get_template(name).render(**kwargs) minified = minify_html.minify(template, keep_comments=False) with"w") as outfile: outfile.write(minified) def _build_bundle( config: ConfigSerializer.Container, ftype: str, dest: str, sources: List[str] ) -> str: ( / ftype.lower()).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) working_path = ( / ftype.lower() / f"{uuid.uuid4().hex}.{ftype.lower()}" ) content: List[str] = [] for source in sources: try: with ( / ftype.lower() / f"{source}.{ftype.lower()}" ).open("r") as infile: content.append( except FileNotFoundError as err: raise ValueError( f"No {ftype.upper()} source file to bundle named '{source}'" ) from err if ftype.lower() == "js": minified = jsmin.jsmin("\n\n".join(content)) else: minified = minify_html.minify("\n\n".join(content), keep_comments=False) hasher = hashlib.sha256() hasher.update(minified.encode("utf-8")) slug = f"{dest}-{hasher.hexdigest()[:8]}" final_path = / ftype.lower() / f"{slug}.{ftype.lower()}" with"w") as outfile: outfile.write(minified) return slug def _dev( cwd: Path, config: ConfigSerializer.Container, posts: Sequence[PostSerializer.Container], ): config.https = False config.domain = "localhost:5000" config.base_url = "/" # server = http.server.HTTPServer( # ("", 5000), # functools.partial( # http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler, directory=str(cwd / # ), # ) _build(cwd, config, posts) # print(f"Serving dev site at {config.url}, press Ctrl+C to exit", file=sys.stderr) # try: # server.serve_forever() # except KeyboardInterrupt: # print("Stopping...", file=sys.stderr) # server.shutdown() def _build( cwd: Path, config: ConfigSerializer.Container, posts: Sequence[PostSerializer.Container], ): print( f"Rebuilding static assets into {cwd /}", file=sys.stderr ) env = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(str(cwd /, autoescape=jinja2.select_autoescape(["html", "xml"]), ) output = cwd / static = cwd / today = datetime.datetime.utcnow() bundle_slug = uuid.uuid4().hex[:8] index_css_bundle = _build_bundle(config, "css", "index", ["common", "home"]) index_js_bundle = _build_bundle( config, "js", "index", ["random-background", "preloader"] ) _write_template( env, "index.html.j2", output / "index.html", config=config, today=today, css_bundle=index_css_bundle, js_bundle=index_js_bundle, ) _write_template( env, "sitemap.xml.j2", output / "sitemap.xml", config=config, today=today ) _write_template( env, "robots.txt.j2", output / "robots.txt", config=config, today=today, disallowed=[ for item in static.iterdir() if item.is_dir()], ) static = cwd / if static.exists(): for item in static.iterdir(): _copy_resource(item, output) explore_css_bundle = _build_bundle(config, "css", "explore", ["common", "explore"]) explore_js_bundle = _build_bundle( config, "js", "explore", ["random-background", "preloader", "toggle-article-text-button"], ) _write_template( env, "explore.html.j2", output / / "index.html", config=config, today=today, posts=posts, css_bundle=explore_css_bundle, js_bundle=explore_js_bundle, ) post_css_bundle = _build_bundle(config, "css", "post", ["common"]) post_js_bundle = _build_bundle(config, "js", "post", ["preloader"]) for post in posts: _write_template( env, "post.html.j2", output / / post.slug / "index.html", config=config, today=today, post=post, css_bundle=post_css_bundle, js_bundle=post_js_bundle, ) def main(): args = get_args() cwd = Path.cwd().resolve() with Path(args.config).resolve().open(encoding="utf-8") as infile: config = ConfigSerializer().load(yaml.load(infile)) posts = [] post_serializer = PostSerializer() for item in (cwd / if item.suffix.lower() == ".yaml": with as infile: raw = yaml.load(infile) raw["slug"] = raw.get("slug", item.stem) posts.append(post_serializer.load(raw)) slugs = [post.slug for post in posts] if len(set(slugs)) != len(slugs): raise msh.ValidationError("Duplicate post slugs found in config") if args.check: print("Config check successful!", file=sys.stderr) return 0 posts = sorted(posts, key=lambda item:, reverse=True) if _dev(cwd, config, posts) else: _build(cwd, config, posts) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())